Income Protection

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Income Protection: The Benefits of Choosing PPS

Introduction to Income Protection Insurance

In a world filled with uncertainties, maintaining a stable financial situation is crucial, especially when health issues can interrupt your professional life. Income Protection Insurance is your financial backup plan, providing you with monthly benefits if illness or injury prevent you from working. This coverage isn’t just about safeguarding your income; it’s about ensuring your lifestyle remains unchanged during difficult times.

Why PPS Income Protection Stands Out

Professionals Choice Income Protection Insurance, offered by PPS, is tailored for graduate professionals who require a nuanced approach to income security. What sets it apart is its comprehensive design, catering to the unique needs and financial obligations of professionals. Here’s how PPS supports your financial wellbeing:

  1. Versatile Coverage Options: PPS offers the flexibility of Split Income Protection. This option allows you to secure coverage both within and outside the Superannuation framework, enabling you to manage your premium costs effectively while enjoying extensive protection.
  2. Enhanced Benefits Through Superannuation: Investing in your future has never been easier. With PPS, you can opt for coverage through the PPS Mutual Super Fund, which allows for rollover payments from your existing super fund. This not only simplifies the process but also offers a 15% Rollover Rebate, making it a cost-effective choice.

Key Features of PPS Income Protection

  • Sickness and Permanent Incapacity Benefit: Life can throw unexpected challenges at you, such as sudden illnesses or injuries that could limit your professional capabilities. PPS’s Sickness and Permanent Incapacity benefit is designed to supplement your income during such times, ensuring you remain financially stable.
  • Functional Disability Benefit: If a permanent impairment were to hinder your professional duties, the Functional Disability benefit provides financial protection against severe conditions that impair daily functions. Whether it’s impaired vision or more severe conditions like paraplegia, PPS ensures you’re covered.
  • Critical Illness Cover: Facing a severe illness is challenging enough without the added burden of financial stress. PPS’s Critical Illness Cover offers a lump-sum payment upon diagnosis and survival of life-altering illnesses, such as cancer or stroke. This benefit is crucial as it provides financial relief, allowing you to focus solely on recovery.

The PPS Advantage

Becoming a member of PPS does more than just insure you. It integrates you into a community where you share in the operational and investment returns through the PPS Profit-Share Account™. This unique feature not only enhances your insurance benefits but also aligns with your professional growth and financial success.


Your ability to earn an income is undoubtedly your most valuable asset. With PPS Income Protection Insurance, you are not just insuring your income; you are investing in your future and peace of mind. Protect yourself from the financial implications of unforeseen health issues and ensure your lifestyle remains intact. Remember, it’s not about choosing your challenges, but about choosing how you face them. Secure your tomorrow, today with PPS.

640 417 Maysure Financial Services

Navigating Your Financial Safety with Sanlam Income Protection

Ensuring financial security is crucial, particularly when unforeseen health issues might impact your ability to work. Sanlam offers a comprehensive suite of income protection plans that prioritise flexibility and comprehensive coverage. While these plans provide a solid foundation for financial stability, the true value comes from personalised guidance in selecting and tailoring these protections to your unique needs.

Why Choose Sanlam Income Protection?

Sanlam’s income protection insurance is designed to provide substantial choice and flexibility, allowing you to customise your coverage to align perfectly with your life circumstances. 

How Sanlam Income Protection Works

Upon loss of income due to disability or illness, you’ll receive a monthly income based on your chosen cover. We recommend consulting a financial adviser to tailor your protection perfectly to your needs. Coverage can be designed to replace approximately 85% of your net income, considering any existing income protection you may have.

Why Sanlam stands out:

Integrated Coverage Options: Sanlam allows you to combine income protection with life insurance, disability cover, and severe illness benefits, enhancing your coverage and simplifying your insurance landscape.

Tailored to Your Needs: With options like the Indie Income Protection and Matrix Premier Income Protection, you can secure up to R250,000 per month in tax-free income, with additional features like family protection and significant cashback benefits.

Sanlam’s Income Protection Products

Indie Income Protection: 

Offering up to R100,000 per month tax-free, this product is ideal for immediate, flexible coverage, helping maintain your lifestyle without work. Benefits include yearly inflation adjustments, a built-in Wealth Bonus, and adaptable premiums.

Matrix Premier Income Protection: 

Tailored for higher coverage needs, offering up to R250,000 per month tax-free. Features include optional family protection, Sanlam Reality discounts, and a significant Cashback benefit after 15 years

The Benefits of Choosing Sanlam’s Income Protection 

Reliable Monthly Income: If you become disabled or ill, Sanlam ensures a steady, tax-free income, allowing you and your family to maintain your standard of living.

Flexibility for Business Owners and Employees: For business owners, this cover could enable hiring someone to manage business operations in your absence. If you’re employed, it can supplement inadequate employer-provided cover or add to your income during reduced work capacity due to health issues.

Support During Partial Workability: Even if you can work but face additional expenses due to your condition, Sanlam’s cover can top up your salary, helping manage new financial burdens seamlessly.

Premium Waiver During Claims: While you benefit from the claim payouts, Sanlam waives the premiums, easing your financial load.

The Role of Maysure Financial Services

Choosing the right income protection involves more than just understanding the benefits of different policies. Here’s where Maysure Financial Services comes in:

Decades of Expertise: With years of experience in the financial industry, Maysure’s advisors bring a depth of knowledge that is invaluable in navigating the complexities of income protection.

Personalised Financial Journey: At Maysure, the focus is on your unique financial situation. Our advisors are committed to understanding your individual needs and guiding you through selecting and customising the right Sanlam plan for you.

Independent Advice Focused on Your Interests: The advantage of working with Maysure is the assurance that your financial well-being is the priority. Our independent advisors are here to ensure that the choices you make truly serve your best interests, without any undue influence from external parties.

Why Personalised Advice Matters

Understanding Your Coverage Needs: Maysure’s advisors help you determine how much coverage you need, factoring in your current financial situation and any existing income protection you may have.

Adjusting for Life Changes: As your life evolves, so do your financial needs. Maysure is here to adjust your coverage accordingly, ensuring that your income protection grows with you.

Ensuring Comprehensive Protection: Whether you’re a business owner needing to secure operations in your absence or an employee looking to supplement inadequate cover, 

Maysure’s personalised approach ensures that every aspect of your life is protected.


Sanlam Income Protection ensures that your financial future remains secure against unexpected health challenges. With customisable features, significant income replacement, and additional financial planning tools, Sanlam not only protects your income but invests in your long-term financial well-being. Remember, with Sanlam, you’re not just insuring your income; you’re safeguarding your family’s future and your peace of mind.

640 417 Maysure Financial Services

Understanding Income Protection: Safeguarding Your Financial Future

Picture this: you’re cruising through life, fulfilling your responsibilities, and then suddenly, out of the blue, illness or injury strikes, leaving you unable to work. How would you cope financially? This scenario is where income protection steps in, offering a lifeline during tough times. 

Let’s delve into the world of income protection, exploring its significance, coverage, benefits, and affordability, specifically for the South African context.

What is Income Protection?

Income protection insurance is your financial safety net, providing a regular income if you’re unable to work due to sickness or disability. 

Is it Worth Having Income Protection?

Thousands of people worldwide report significant injuries daily, with road accidents being a leading cause of disability. In South Africa alone, the alarming rate of road-traffic accidents underscores the importance of financial protection. Income protection isn’t just a safety net; it’s a lifeline that shields you from financial uncertainty during challenging times. 

Why is Income Protection Important?

Your ability to earn an income is your most valuable asset. In a country where road accidents claim numerous lives yearly, the risk of disability or illness impacting your ability to work is significant. Income protection offers peace of mind, ensuring you and your loved ones can maintain your standard of living. Whether it’s covering daily expenses, bond repayments, or medical bills, income protection provides the stability needed to navigate through life’s uncertainties.

The Cover and Benefits of Income Protection

Income protection offers a myriad of benefits, providing a regular income stream until you recover or retire. Income cover is tailored to your specific needs, paying out a portion or all of your specified cover amount based on the impact of your inability to work. This cover forms a crucial part of your financial planning, offering reassurance and stability during times of crisis.

Cost and Affordability

The cost of income protection varies based on factors such as age, occupation, and health status. However, when weighed against the potential financial hardship of lost income, income protection emerges as a prudent investment. We are here to provide personalised guidance, ensuring you find a solution that fits your budget and lifestyle seamlessly.


Income protection isn’t just another insurance product; it’s a cornerstone of financial resilience. Don’t leave your income to chance – take proactive steps to safeguard your financial future with Maysure Financial Services. Our commitment to empowering you with comprehensive coverage and personalised advice ensures you can face life’s uncertainties with confidence. 

Reach out to us today and embark on the journey towards financial security and peace of mind.