We may all have different dreams and desires based on where we are in our lives, families, financial states, but the golden thread is that we can turn your vision into a reality. We are here to take your unique financial situation, tailor it and offer you specialised guidance so that the steps you take on your journey lead you and your loved ones to financial freedom.
Our range of financial planning services include:
Retirement Planning
We all dream of being able to spend our time as we choose. It may seem like an inconceivable notion, but effective retirement planning is exactly that – the process of setting retirement income goals and making the decision to do whatever is necessary to achieve them, in order to live your best life. Effective retirement planning is essential to ensure that you accumulate the funds necessary to give you financial freedom when you no longer enjoy the advantage of receiving a salary.

Shariah Investments and Estate Planning
Shariah law acts as a code for living that all Muslims should adhere to, this applies to investments and estate planning too. All earnings are to remain wholesome and pure, and no investments should be used for ‘sin’ industries such as alcohol, tobacco, pornography and any other unethical industries such as gambling, arms and weaponry.
Being secure in the knowledge that your investments are Halaal and pure ensures peace of mind and allows you to graciously reap the rewards of what you have sown.
Investments – Unit Trusts, Endowments and Tax Free Investments (TFI)
Different tax structures apply to different investments. You can empower yourself by knowing exactly what you have and what you’re going to gain. This an integral part of financial planning.
By understanding your investment portfolio you can ensure that you really are getting the most ‘bang for your buck’.

Life Cover
Life happens, whether we plan for it or not. Having sufficient life cover ensures that the legacy of love that you leave behind for your family is not tainted by financial worries. Life cover can be reinvested to provide your family with an income and also used to cover any outstanding debt that you may have accumulated.
Medical Aid
Life is a precious gift. A well-constructed medical aid ensures that you are able to pay for any treatment expenses incurred regarding to your health and wellbeing, on both a day to day basis and in an emergency.
Comprehensive medical aid is fundamental to avoid being burdened with debilitating medical bills should you fall ill.

Estate Planning
Your assets are comprised of everything that you own – your car, home, other real estate, bank accounts, investments, life insurance, furniture, personal possessions to name a few. Our estate planning safeguards your asset base through appropriate and financially savvy methods in the event of your incapacitation or eventual death.
Estate planning is essential to protect your loved ones, because without a plan in place, there could be a long-lasting negative impact on their future.
Offshore Investing
This form of investment affords you the privilege to spread your investments across different economies as well as international companies.
Strategic offshore investing allows you the flexibility to adjust your portfolio depending on the ebb and flow of international markets thereby maximising your return.

Fiduciary Services
Being in the position to leave a legacy is a wonderful gift, but it is also a complex one that must be carefully conceived. Fiduciary services help you preserve, grow and distribute your wealth the way you want, both during your lifetime and the lifetimes of your loved ones.
With a thorough fiduciary plan comes financial peace of mind, allowing you to focus on the important things in life – living it the best way you can.